Remus Risnoveanu
About Me
I'm a full-time founder working on MemoryLink full-time. Initially I tried outsourcing the MVP, but I fell flat on my face so ever since I taught myself to code in order to build MemoryLink. As for my educational background I double majored in Physics + Chemistry. I take a deep seated interest in philosophy but I like to think as myself as one part thinker, another part builder — a techno-philosopher. I don't think a categorical separation between doing and thinking should exist. I go into some of these ideas alongside many others in more detail on Generative Forms. You can start by reading Continual Integration, Proservation, and The Case For Asynchronous Learning if any of this interests you.
Technologies I've worked with
What I'm looking for
I'm looking for people who want to be part of MemoryLink. Check out the article Its Time To Rethink The Internet for more details. Specifically I'm looking for someone with expert frontend skills. Comfortable with advanced state management, heavily modifying and or creating a rich-text-editor from scratch and or building either drag-and-drop or an infinite canvas from scratch too. I'm also looking for a generalist full-stack develvoper with a strong emphasis on the backend who's very comfortable of spinning up an auto-scaling EC2 instance, setting up an nginx proxy server alongside some interest for building a recommenations algorithm. If you're interested feel free to email me or message me on Twitter/X. However if you just are curious to learn more about me, I'm always open so feel free to reach out anytime.